Electric cars have been growing in popularity in recent years, and more businesses are embracing the sustainable energy future that lies before us with each passing month.

As people become more aware of the impact of their choices on the environment, many are expecting their employers and those they do business with to also do their bit. 

Therefore, one of the main benefits of installing a commercial EV charging station for business owners is attracting and retaining customers and employees, while at the same time making a positive contribution to offsetting their carbon footprint.

Commercial EV Charging

Key Takeaways

  • A commercial EV charging station is a charge point for electric vehicles which can be used by customers and employees

  • The cost of installing a commercial Level 2 EV charging station can be between €1,600 and €7,000. A rapid charger could cost upwards of €30,000

  • EV charge stations are very durable requiring little maintenance. However, they may need regular cleaning, software updates, and checks by a technician to ensure all the charger’s components are in working order

What is a commercial EV charging station?

A commercial EV charging station is a charge point for electric vehicles which can be used by customers and employees. 

Electric vehicles are the future of the motor industry, and charging batteries is perhaps the biggest difference between EVs and fuel powered vehicles. Although electric cars come with a Level 1 plug for charging, many people will decide to install a Level 2 charger at home, which charges quicker and is more convenient. 

Despite this, people will still need to charge their vehicles on the go for various reasons, and choose to do so at one of the hundreds of public charging points dotted across Ireland.

commercial EV charging station

How much does an EV charging station cost?

While there is no definitive answer to this question as factors can vary widely, the cost of installing a commercial Level 2 EV charging station can be between €1,600 and €7,000.

A rapid charger on the other hand could cost upwards of €30,000.

There are two factors which will make up and determine the overall cost of installing a commercial EV charging station in Ireland: the price of the EV charging unit and the cost of installing the charging station. 

The installation costs associated with commercial EV charging stations will depend on factors such as the amount of works which needs to be carried out, labour, and the materials used. 

Another factor which can influence costs are cable runs. Longer cable runs are more expensive, while charge points which are installed back to back can reduce costs as they can share the same charge post and cable run.

Speaking to an expert is the best way of finding out what would suit your business best and how much it may cost.

Cost of EV charging station for business

Benefits of an EV Charging Station for your Business

There are a number of benefits associated with installing a commercial EV charging station for your business.

  • Attract and retain new customers
  • Provides a range of opportunities for increasing and improving your online presence
  • Customers with EVs stay longer at your business while their car is charging
  • Additional revenue opportunities by

A large majority of shoppers in Ireland bring their car with them, and EV drivers may wish to have the option to charge while they shop. Offering an electric car charge station makes your business stand out and pushes you ahead of the competition for these customers.

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Commercial EV Charging Maintenance

Commercial EV charge stations are generally very durable and require little maintenance. However, they may need regular cleaning, occasional software updates, and checks by a technician to ensure all the charger’s components are in working order. This is something to bear in mind when deciding whether a commercial EV charger is suited to your business.

How EV Charging Station can benefit for Retail Businesses

Installing an electric car charger at your retail unit can help your business in a number of ways, as it provides an essential service for a growing number of Irish motorists who have already switched (or will switch in the near future) to electric.

EV Charging Station

Benefits of EV Charging for Retail

  • The environmental side of things cannot be underestimated – the public is becoming much more environmentally aware, and having an EV charging station can be something that sets your business apart
  • Customers may choose your business over others if they are experiencing range anxiety, meaning more people through your doors
  • Customers may also spend longer in your retail location due to them charging their vehicle, which in turn means they’re more likely to spend more money
  • As electric vehicles become the norm in the coming years, having a charging station future-proofs your business as fuel powered cars are left by the wayside
  • Depending on your business’ situation, you could explore options for charging customers for the use of your EV charging stations

Charging Stations at Industrial and Office Buildings

Electric vehicle charge points are not only beneficial for customers, employers can also increase worker satisfaction by installing a charge station at their company for their employees.

ev charging outside office

Benefits of EV charging at workplace

  • Offering EV charging at offices is beneficial to employees, resulting in an increase in job satisfaction
  • Potential employees who are environmentally cautious may look for a place to charge their electric car, meaning employers with a charge point can attract the best talent
  • Employees with EVs can charge their vehicles during working hours, which means that they won’t have range anxiety if their battery is low on their daily commute.

EV Charging Station Brands Available in Ireland

There are a number of EV charging station brands available in Ireland. These include those listed below, which are used by many installers across Ireland.

EV Home Charging Models Ireland EO
EV Home Charging Models Ireland Wallbox
EV Home Charging Models Ireland Evbox
EV Home Charging Models Ireland Myenergi
EV Home Charging Models Ireland Zappi

Learn more about EV charging stations for your business

Installing an EV charging station for your business is not something to take lightly, with the initial upfront costs and occasional maintenance. 

But it can be something that sets your business apart, and is beneficial to customers, while also offering a range of other benefits. If you’d like to find out more, don’t hesitate to contact us below.

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