LONGi’s latest solar panel range the Hi-MO X6 has revolutionised solar cell technology, offering homeowners in Ireland solar panels which not only outperform others in terms of efficiency, but also in aesthetics and durability.
China 🇨🇳
25 Years
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LONGi – who are they?
LONGi is a leading solar panel manufacturer, and the world’s largest producer of monocrystalline silicon. The company is leading the way on R&D, and has achieved higher efficiency without raising the cost of the solar panels, seeing the p-type HPBC panels as the new mainstream.
LONGi is part of the big three solar photovoltaic (PV) manufacturers – along with Jinko and Trina they manufacture more than 50% of the world’s solar panels. Why? Simply put, this is because they currently make the best products on the market.
For solar installers, LONGi panels are extremely popular due to their high quality, with their panels boasting the best silicon work in the market, all done in an automated process.
LONGi is consistently at the forefront of solar PV research and development, having broken the world record for solar cell efficiency more than 15 times just since 2021.

High Efficiency Solar Panels
Solar panel efficiency and size are vitally important for installers, as installation companies cannot simply install the biggest and most powerful solar panels on rooftops as they would be too dangerous.
LONGi Hi-Mo X6 solar panels are 1722mm high and 1134 mm wide, weighing 20.8 kg – which is around 1 kg lighter than other N-Type mainstream solar panels.
With HPBC (hybrid passivated back contact) high efficiency cell technology, the front of the cell is clean from all electrical busbars and connections.
This allows more sunlight to penetrate the cell without any shading or obstruction. The LONGi X6 Hi-Mo panels are therefore more powerful than 415W modules of the same size.
Having this architecture located on the back of the cell as opposed to on the front allows for higher efficiency (up to 22.3%), meaning more electricity production and higher savings for homeowners.

Hi-MO X6 Efficiency Over 25 Years
LONGi is able to offer a 25-year performance warranty to those with Hi-MO X6 panels, with extremely low power degradation over their lifespan. In the first year, LONGi says that the power degradation is less than 1.5% in the first year, and that the linear power degradation is 0.4% each year thereafter.
After 25 years of use, the Hi-MO X6 solar panels should retain 88.9% of their original output, per the Power Warranty.
Performance Degradation Over Time
HPBC Cell Technology
LONGi has spent a lot of money on research and development to improve the efficiency of P-type panels, and HPBC (Hybrid Passivated Back Contact) is LONGi’s next generation technology.
HPBC is essentially the product of IBC technology on P-type silicon solar cells. IBC technology (Interdigitated Back Contact), first proposed in 1976, has no electrodes on the front of the PV cell, with metal grid wires crossed along the back.
The Hi-MO x6 Explorer series, utilising revolutionary HPBC cell technology, was launched in 2022 after being at the core of its R&D into improving conversion efficiency in solar cells since 2018.
Homeowners also don’t need to worry about the new technology not being tried and tested – LONGi uses the same, existing raw materials and technology and the research they have carried out means that they know they work well in all environments.
The technology is the first of its kind, and is a major step forward in terms of efficiency and aesthetics from PERC (Passivated Emitter Rear Contact) cell technology.
Protection Against Micro Cracks
Durability is one of the main qualities homeowners want when making an investment in solar panels, and is one of the many factors which influence installers to choose one solar panel over another.
The micron thickness of the p-type wafer in the Hi-MO X6 is around 150 microns, which is thicker than current N-type wafers which can be 130 microns, and as low as 110 microns.
The thicker the product, the more robust it is, meaning fewer repairs being necessary over the lifespan of the panels.
Micro cracks can occur on PV panels due to solar cells expanding and contracting from the heat of the sun. The difference between standard split cells, where the wire goes on top and underneath and then again on top of the panels, the wire in the Hi-MO X6 modules LONGi contacts along the back, reducing pressure on the solder between the cells.
When people think about micro-cracks on their solar panels, they’re also referring to micro-cracks in solder, which causes less electricity to be moved through it. The straight lines along the back of the LONGi Hi-MO X6 remove stress and pressure by up to 50%, and this results in fewer micro cracks.
Aesthetic All-Black Look
With the LONGi Hi-MO X6, the tracks are located on the back of the cell, which means that they do not block sunlight, resulting in a high profile, clean, aesthetic look.
Until the Hi-MO X6 panels were released, it would have cost homeowners around double the price to achieve such a clean look.
These modules are extremely cost-competitive, however, which adds to their growing popularity among the top PV installers in Ireland.

Temperature Coefficient
While temperature coefficient is not the most important thing for Irish homeowners and solar installers in Ireland to think about, it is still worth mentioning as it is one of the things that makes these panels stand out. LONGi makes claims that its temperature coefficient is 0.29 percent per degree above the typical international testing standard, further increasing its efficiency.
The hotter the temperature, the hotter the cell gets, and this matters in many markets as hotter cells are typically less efficient.
The LONGi Hi-MO X6 182mm cell runs cooler than its previous 370W panels or the 210mm cells that other manufacturers use, taking energy out of the cell more efficiently.

Advice for Choosing Solar Panels in Ireland
At Energy Efficiency, we believe in the motto: “buy once, and buy best.” We recommend choosing a trusted and reliable installer that will look after you from start to finish. But why do we recommend LONGi Hi-Mo X6 solar panels? The main reasons are as follows:
- Hi-MO X6 is leading the way in terms of the aesthetic concept of solar panels.
- The upgraded HPBC technology greatly improves power generation capacity.
- Back welding technology effectively improves resistance and durability, leading to less micro cracking.
- High efficiency means more savings for homeowners.
- 25-Year Product Warranty for Materials and Processing and a 25-Year Power Warranty for guaranteed performance gives owners peace of mind.