Residential solar panels are becoming more popular in Ireland. Over 6,005 solar installations were completed in Q1 of 2024, an increase of 51% compared to the 3,985 installations in Q1 of 2023.

The dramatic rise in solar PV installations can be attributed to the reduced cost of solar installations. Ambitious government grant programs and the abolition of VAT now means that the average household has their solar system paid off in under 7 years.

In 2018, before any SEAI grants were available the payback period was over 10 years, so today’s solar customers are enjoying a 42% faster payback period than those who installed solar pre 2018.

Key Takeaways

  • Solar panels Ireland are experiencing a “boom” thanks to the financial incentives offered by government.

  • Homeowners with solar panels usually see a return on their investment in less than 7 years (14% return on investment each year).

  • The typical cost of solar panels in Ireland is between €5,000 and €10,000, and is dependant on how many panels you install.

  • Direct solar panel grant funding is available of €2,100, and all VAT (23%) has been removed on solar components & installations.

What are solar panels?

Solar panels, also known as solar PV panels in Ireland (PhotoVoltaic), are devices that convert sunlight into electrical energy. They are composed of many solar cells made from semiconductor materials, typically silicon.

Solar panels reduce annual energy bills by generating energy from the sun, reducing your reliance on energy from the electrical grid.

How do solar panels work?

Solar panels work in a (relatively) simple way. The first step is known as the “PhotoVoltaic Effect”, which is where sunlight strikes the solar cells causing electrons to flow on the semiconductor material (silicon) and generates an electric charge. The electricity is DC (Direct Current), meaning it flows in one direction. This electricity makes its way to the solar inverter where it is converted from DC electricity into AC (alternating current) which is used in our homes.

What are the different types of solar panels?

There are 2 categories of solar panels, solar PV panels as we have just discussed and solar thermal. In practice, solar thermal panels are no longer installed in Ireland, as they are much more primitive and less functional.

Solar thermal panels use the principle of converting the suns energy heat air or water, but they do not create electricity. It is much more efficient to generate electricity using solar PV panels and to divert some electricity as required to heat water. This is known as a hot water diverter and can be easily installed in any solar PV system.

What is the best solar panel in Ireland?

Solar panels have come through many iterations, and there is constant innovation in the solar space. When it comes to choosing a panel, the manufacturer is important, but more important than that is the specifications of the individual panels themselves.

Take our solar panel review for the LONGi Hi-MO X6 Solar Panel.

We recommend that when reviewing your panels you consider 3 key factors:

✅ The wattage per panel (435W is a good target)

✅ The manufacturer warranty (25 years minimum)

✅ The efficiency of the panel over time (usually ~ 80% guaranteed after 25 years)

Another potential consideration is the aesthetic of the panel. Older panels are navy while the newer models are black.

Who is the best solar panel manufacturer?

There are a number of what Bloomberg refer to as “Tier-1” solar panel manufacturers. These are manufacturers who are:

Producing high-quality panels at scale: high-efficiency panels, with consistent quality

Financial security: meaning they can honour their panel warranties and won’t go out of business

Track Record: high levels of adoption worldwide and a proven track record of reliability

Tier-1 Manufacturers include: JA Solar, Jinko Solar, LONGi Solar, Tongwei Solar, Trina Solar, BAUER Solar, and more.

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Vetted solar companies:

  • SEAI Authorised
  • SafeElectric Certified
  • Fully Insured
  • 1,000+ Installations
  • Tier-1 Materials
  • Dedicated Customer Care
  • Fully Vetted
  • Competitively Priced
  • Free Site Assessments

Vetted solar companies:

  • SEAI Authorised
  • SafeElectric Certified
  • Fully Insured
  • 1,000+ Installations
  • Tier-1 Materials
  • Dedicated Customer Care
  • Fully Vetted
  • Competitively Priced
  • Free Site Assessments

How much do solar panels cost?

Solar panels in Ireland typically cost between €5,000 and €10,000, which works out at between 6 – 16 panels.

We have Ireland’s most detailed breakdown of how solar panel pricing works in our dedicated solar panels cost guide.

The guide includes information on how to choose the right size solar system, the factors which influence the cost, the solar payback period, solar financing options, government policy and more.

Grants available for solar panels

Solar Panel Grants in Ireland

Solar panel grants of up to €2,100 are available for Irish homeowners. These grants, provided by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), are open to all homeowners where their homes were built and occupied before 2021.

The SEAI currently offers homeowners €800 per kW of solar PV panels up to 2kW, and a further €300 per kW between 2kW and 4kW.

For more information on how the grants work, the application process, qualifying dwellings and more, visit our solar panels grants guide Ireland for more information.

solar energy grants
Solar Panels Ireland: Available Grants
Solar System Size Grant Available
2kWp €1,600
2.5kWp €1,725
3kWp €1,850
4kWp + €2,100 (maximum grant for homeowners)

Are solar panels really worth it?


Ireland has more than enough sunlight for solar panels to work well. We get between 1,100 and 1,600 hours of sunshine per year on average.

Ireland’s sunniest months are May and June when we get between 5 and 6.5 hours of sunshine per day, and the sunniest region is (unsurprisingly) the south-east, according to Met Éireann.

But isn’t Ireland too cold for solar? No, infact solar works best at moderate temperatures and moderate temperatures increases the lifespan of the panels. Ireland is in the “Goldilocks” zone where the climate is not too hot and not too cold.

Ireland typically receives between 1,100 and 1,600 hours of sunshine each year

As we discussed above, solar panels Ireland have a signifiant upfront cost, usually in the €5,000 – €10,000 range. So it’s important that the financials are well understood.

The current time required for a solar system to be paid off (at today’s electricity rates) is between 6 and 7 years. This equates to a 14-16% annualised return on investment. There are very few (if any) investments that Irish homeowners can make that will be able to guarantee these kinds of returns. And with your panels under a 25 year warranty, once the payback is complete, you will continue to receive free electricity for at least 18-19 years.

It is the opinion of the Energy Efficiency team that there has never been a better time to go solar.

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The benefits of Solar Panels

Reduced Energy Bills: A properly sized solar system will cover 75% of your household electricity requirements.

Payback Period: You will recoup your upfront investment within 7 years (based on today’s electricity prices).

Free Energy: Once the payback period is complete, you will enjoy free energy for 18 – 30+ years.

✅ Environmentally Friendly: By installing a solar system on your roof, you are removing 4 tonnes of Co2 from your emissions. This is the equivalent of planting around 100 trees.

Low Maintenance: Solar panels have no moving parts, and as such they are super low maintenance. Just keep them clean and clear of shading.

BER Rating: Your home’s BER rating will increase once you install solar, increasing your house price and improving.

We explore these reasons further in our advantages of solar energy guide.

reasons to consider solar panels

Solar Batteries for Irish Homes

Many people who install PV panels will choose to get a solar battery, which usually cost between €2,350 to €2,850 for a standard 5kWh battery.

This could save you hundreds of euros per year by maximising usage and reducing the amount of electricity not consumed. It is a particularly viable option for Irish households who are not there for a large part of the day and then come home and have increased electricity consumption in the evening.

Homeowners in Ireland can also take advantage of cheaper nighttime electricity rates by utilising electricity stored in the battery from the daytime.

Online Solar Assessment

Speak with a member of our team and determine the type of solar that best suits your situation

  • Fill in the solar assessment

  • A solar expert will call you with 24 hours and ask any questions they have

  • We will email across accurate quotes, detailing the timeframe, costs, available grants and next steps

The Solar Panel Installation Process

As well as very little maintenance work being required for 25+ years, the solar installation process itself is fairly straightforward and pain-free.

  • Homeowners get a quote from a recommended solar panel installer, who will outline all costs associated with the installation process.

  • The solar panels are installed by your chosen solar panel installer. This is usually accompanied by either scaffolding or an aerial work platform.
  • The inverter is installed. This can be located outside or inside, however inside is recommended, or anywhere away from direct sunlight and with proper air ventilation. This is connected to the household unit, and a meter should be installed to calculate how much energy your solar system is generating.
  • Your battery, which is optional, is then installed. This can save excess solar energy for nighttime, or winter.
  • Your solar installer will carry out a diagnostics test to ensure your solar panels are working as they should.
  • After care services are provided if needed by trusted and professional solar panel businesses.
Solar Panel Installation Steps


The Irish government has removed the requirement of planning permission for solar panels, except for houses in ‘Solar Safeguarding Zones’ near airports, aerodromes and other sites with helipads such as hospitals.

Modern solar panels have a long lifespan of around 25 to 30 years, with minimal maintenance along the way.

Solar panels generally require very little maintenance. Having said that, your residential solar panels should be cleaned at least every year.

To sell electricity back to the grid, a smart meter is necessary, and your electricity provider will offer a rate for excess electricity which you have not used.

The majority of rooftops in Ireland are suitable for solar panels, however south facing roofs with adequate space are ideal to capture as much sunlight as possible.

Solar panels have a long lifespan, and they can be recycled when their efficiency eventually begins to dwindle after 25 to 30 years.

There have been great advances in solar panel technology in recent years, and the most efficient, commonly used solar panels now has almost 25% efficiency.

Solar panels are not only great for homeowners, but farmers which need electricity for machinery can also utilise solar energy to generate free electricity. There are large grants available for solar panels for Irish farms.

Find Your Solar Installer Today!

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Vetted solar companies:

  • SEAI Authorised
  • SafeElectric Certified
  • Fully Insured
  • 1,000+ Installations
  • Tier-1 Materials
  • Dedicated Customer Care
  • Fully Vetted
  • Competitively Priced
  • Free Site Assessments

Vetted solar companies:

  • SEAI Authorised
  • SafeElectric Certified
  • Fully Insured
  • 1,000+ Installations
  • Tier-1 Materials
  • Dedicated Customer Care
  • Fully Vetted
  • Competitively Priced
  • Free Site Assessments