There are multiple grants to help with the cost of installing solar panels on homes, businesses, farms and more in Ireland.

The main supplier of grant funding for solar panels in Ireland is the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). The SEAI offers grants of up to €1,800 for Irish homeowners which significantly reduces the cost of PV solar panels.

There are multiple other sources of government supports and tax incentives to invest in solar.

The key takeaways:
  • The main supplier of grant funding for solar PV is the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
  • Domestic Grant – For solar panels on residential properties, this €700 per kWp up to 2kWp, and then a further €200 per additional kWp up to the maximum grant amount of €1,800 at 4kWp

  • Non-Domestic Grant – For businesses, the grant also pays out €900 for each kWp up to 2kWp, and then a further €300 each up to the €2,400 cap. Claim up to €162,600 in funding
  • All homes built and occupied before December 31 2020 are eligible for the grants
  • All business, agricultural, public body, or non-profit sector properties which were built and occupied before 2021 are eligible to the grant
  • Solar panel grants from the SEAI are available once for any individual property

What is the Grant for Solar Panels in 2025

As of 2025 the main solar panel grant for Irish households from the SEAI mazes out at €1,800 per household. The grant was reduced by €300 from a previous maximum of €2,100 at the start of this year.

The government has stated that the grant will continue to be reduced each year due to falling costs of solar PV technology.

SEAI Grants for Solar Panels

The two main streams of grants for solar panels in Ireland offer up to €1,800 for the installation of a solar PV system on a home or as much as €162,000 for large scale commercial systems.

The SEAI Solar Electricity PV grants provide money for installing solar panels on private residences. The Non-Domestic Microgen Scheme offers the same amount of funding for businesses and other non-residential buildings.

How is the SEAI Grant for Solar Panels Calculated

The size of the grant paid by the SEAI for solar panels is based on the kilowatt peak (kWp) energy output of the array being installed on a property.

Domestic Grant

For solar panels on residential properties, this is €700 per kWp up to 2kWp, and then a further €200 per additional kWp up to the maximum grant amount of €1,800 at 4kWp.


Number of Solar Panels Solar Panel System Output Solar Panel Grant Value
4 panels 1.74kWp €1,218
6 panels 2.61kWp €1,522
8 panels 3.48kWp €1,698
10 panels 4.35kWp €1,800
12 panels 5.22kWp €1,800
16 panels 6.96kWp €1,800

Non-Domestic Grant

For businesses, the solar panel grant also pays out €900 for each kWp up to 2kWp, and then a further €300 each up to the €2,400 cap. This grant is also capped at a maximum system size of 6kWp.

In addition, the government expanded the Non-Domestic Grant in 2023 on a pilot basis to offer up to €162,600 in funding for solar panel systems ranging from 7kWp – 1,000kWp in size.

This larger solar panel grant scheme pays out €300 per kWp up to 20kWp maximum, then a €200 each up to 200kWp system size, and then €150 per kWp up to a maximum of 1MWp.

Solar Panel System Size Solar Panel Grant Value
1kWp – 2kWp €900 per kWp
2kWp – 6kWp €300 per kWp (€,2400 maximum)
7kWp – 20kWp €300 per kWp
21kWp – 200kWp €200 per kWp
201kWp – 1,000kWp €150 per kWp

With larger solar panel installations such as would go on the roof of a factory, it is less helpful to talk about the number of panels, as they will number in the hundreds.

Solar PV System Size Solar Panel Grant Value
10kWp €3,600
20kWp €6,600
50kWp €12,600
100kWp €22,600
250kWp €50,100
500kWp €87,600
750kWp €125,100
1,000kWp €162,600


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Who is eligible for the SEAI solar panel grant?

The SEAI solar panel grant is available for all private homeowners, including owner occupied homes, landlords, and holiday homes, within the following criteria.

  • Property must have been built and occupied before December 31, 2020
  • No previous grant funding for solar PV must have been awarded at this MPRN
  • Property owners can make multiple solar panels grant applications, as long as they are each for a different property.

How do the SEAI grants for solar panels work?

The money for the solar electricity grant is paid to either the owner of the property, or directly to the solar panel installer, after the work is completed. However you must have secured approval for the grant before having any of the solar panels installed.

The grant money is paid electronically to a bank account specified in the application, so you can have the money go directly to the registered company which is installing your solar panels. This way you can often get the grant amount upfront as a discount from the installer.

How much does it cost to have solar panels installed in Ireland?

The average cost of having domestic solar panels installed in Ireland ranges from €5,000 – €10,000 after the SEAI, depending on the size of the size of the system being installed.

At the mid level, a 4kWp solar panel system of approximately nine solar panels would cost roughly €7,000, while a 7kWp solar PV system of 16 solar panels would cost approximately €10,000 after the grant.

For residential buildings, the VAT rate on solar PV panels has also been dropped to 0%. This means that solar panels which cost €9,000 before a grant offer previously, would now be reduced to €8,000.

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Are solar panels worth it in Ireland?

Solar Panels can allow Irish households to save anywhere from €600 – €1,600 each year depending on multiple factors, with savings averaging approximately €1,100 each year.

How well solar panels perform will depend on how much sunlight they receive, the efficiency of the solar panels, and if they are paired with a battery system.

As solar panels can work even in weak or indirect sunlight, Ireland’s climate is no impediment to saving money with solar PV.

How many times can I claim the SEAI Solar grant?

Solar panel grants from the SEAI are available once for any individual property. The same person or company may make as many grant claims as they like, as long as each is for a different property.

Landlords can claim for upgrades to multiple rental properties, as the goal of these schemes is to encourage the amount of renewable electricity being generated by micro-producers nationwide.

How to Apply for the SEAI solar Panels Grants

Its important to understand the SEAI process for solar grants to ensure that the application proceeds smoothly, and your money is paid in a timely fashion.

  • First you must get a quote from a registered company. Getting several quotes is preferred, and for non-domestic grants at least two quotes are required.
  • Apply to the SEAI for your grant, and then wait for the grant offer from the SEAI before proceeding with any works. The grant is only available for eight months after receiving that offer.
  • Your chosen installer will then apply to ESB networks to connect your solar panels to the grid before it is installed. (This can take at least 20 working days)

  • Your chosen contractor can now start installing solar panels on your property.
  • For domestic solar panels only: Arrange a post works BER assessment of your home for submissions with the documentation.
  • The installer will then complete a Declaration of Works form, and submit it to the SEAI along with the other required documentation.

  • Once this has been processed, the grant amount will be deposited in the bank account included in the original application via an electronic fund transfer.
solar energy grants

7 Years

A typical solar installation is fully paid back within 7 years. All solar panels we recommend are under warranty for 25 years, so you will enjoy at least 17 years of free energy generation.

0% VAT

As of 10 May 2023, the government has removed all VAT on solar installation and solar panel supply. This means solar has never been more affordable!

Government Grants

There is a range of government grants available for all new solar installations. Our team will guide you through the application process.

Other Grants and Financial Support

While the SEAI solar panel grant is the most commonly used financial support for people making the shift to solar energy, there are other sources of grants and financial aid available for people looking to install solar panels on their home or business.

Accelerated Capital Allowance

This business supported is not specifically a grant for solar panels, but a tax incentive encouraging businesses to invest in energy efficiency technology and equipment.

A company or sole trader can claim the cost of solar panels against their taxable profits in the year in which they are installed.

In order to qualify for the ACA the equipment in question must be on the Triple E product register, and purchased for use in their trade.

EXCEED Grant Scheme

The EXEED Grant is a grant scheme for public and private organisations planning large scale projects, with up to €3,000,000 available per project to ensure high energy efficiency standards.

The EXEED grant is open for renewable energy upgrades such as a solar PV system, but only if the project has first addressed energy efficiency improvements first.

The grant is open to all organisations planning a large scale investment, whether that is in the design of a new building, or in major renovations and overhaul of an existing premises.

There are two phases of the EXEED Grant:

  • Phase 1 – Provides funding for professional services in the planning and preparation stage of the project. Up to 50% of the costs at this stage are typically funded.
  • Phase 2 – Covers around 50% of the pre-investment costs and 30% of the capital expenditure on actually implementing the project.

Solar Panel Grants for Farmers

This is a solar panel grant payment from the Department of Agriculture, aimed specifically at helping farmers install solar panels to lower their energy costs and consumption, and reduce their carbon footprint.

This provides farmers with up to 60% of the cost of a solar PV scheme, capped at €90,000 per holding, with each project requiring a minimum investment of €2,000 to be eligible.

The maximum output system for which a grant claim is eligible under this scheme is 62kW, and 100% of the electricity generated must be consumed on the applicant’s holding.

Solar Water Heater Grants

While not as versatile or popular as photovoltaic solar panels, the SEAI also has a grant scheme for installing solar thermal systems on homes.

This €1,200 flat rate grant can help install a solar thermal system which is designed to meet 50 – 60% of your hot water needs.

The solar water heater grant is available for any home built and occupied before 2021.

Heat water for free with solar energy


Planning permission is not needed before applying for the SEAI solar electricity grant, as it isn’t something which they take into consideration for the grant approval process.

However, depending on the size of the solar system being installed, and the location of your home, farm, or business, you may still need planning permission to install solar panels in Ireland.

The government has slashed the VAT rate for domestic solar panels to 0%, delivering thousands of euros of additional savings on top of any grant funding.

Excess energy generated by solar PV panels can be sold back to the national grid through via a Clean Export Premium feed-in tariff. This can help pay back the cost of your solar panels even faster.

The SEAI solar grant only covers solar PV panels, and there is no additional grant funding for solar battery storage. This is something which you will have to fund yourself.

The government has confirmed that it intends to further reduce the solar panel grant each year until it has been completely eliminated by 2029.

The ideal output of your solar panel array is dependent on factors such as the size of your property, electricity usage, and whether there will be any extras installed. This could mean a power diverter for hot water, or an EV charger.

The SEAI solar panel grant for households takes 4 to 6 weeks to be paid after all of the documentation has been submitted. This might be higher if an inspection is required.

Get a Solar Panel Quote Today

Get a free quote today to see how much a solar panel grant payment can help you reduce your electricity bill.

consider getting solar panels installed on your home or business


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Vetted solar companies:

  • SEAI Authorised
  • SafeElectric Certified
  • Fully Insured
  • 1,000+ Installations
  • Tier-1 Materials
  • Dedicated Customer Care
  • Fully Vetted
  • Competitively Priced
  • Free Site Assessments

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