Switching energy providers on a yearly basis is the easiest way to save money on your electricity and gas bills, but a surprisingly large number of people don’t do so.

Our guide can make it straightforward and easy to switcher to a better deal for electricity and gas today.

Switch Gas & Electricity Providers

Why change to a new electricity or gas supplier?

The simple reason for changing to a new provider for electricity and gas is to save money. Switching to a new deal can save more than €500 if you are paying standard rates for electricity, or €300 for gas.

When comparing prices for electricity and gas the main things to look for are:

  • Electricity Rates
  • Discounts
  • Welcome Bonuses
  • Time of Use Tariffs

When to Change Electricity and Gas Suppliers

Choosing the right time to switch providers for electricity and gas is important. Leaving the matter too late will see you paying much higher energy prices than necessary without any discount, or at a much lower discount.

On the other hand, leaving your supplier too early could see households incur penalties that will negate some of the advantage from swapping to a new provider.

New electricity and gas plans will typically come with a substantial discount to the basic rates offered by :ther provider. But this discount will only apply for the duration of your first contract, typically 12 months. After this period you will automatically be swapped onto a basic plan which will either have a substantially smaller discount, or none at all.

In the majority of cases a contract for gas or electricity will come with an exit fee which will be charged to the customer if they end the contract before its term has expired. This fee will usually be in the region of €50 to €100. This could take a significant bite out of your savings by switching, so wait until after the contract period ends.

Discounted Gas & Electricity Rates

Switching your gas & electricity providers each year is critical to make sure you are on the lowest possible tariffs.

It’s free to switch and it can save you thousands.

What do you need to switch electricity & providers?

There is some basic information which will be needed in order for you to switch providers for your electricity or gas supply.

  • Your Meter Number: The number of your relevant meter is the Meter Point Reference Number (MPRN) for electricity or Gas Point Reference Number (GPRN) for gas. This should be easily found on your bill.

  • An Electricity Meter Reading: You need a reading from your electricity meter. How to do this will depend on the type of meter which is installed on your home. Here’s a quick guide on reading your electricity meter.

  • A Gas Meter Reading: This will be similar to an electricity meter reading, but simpler as there are no different types of meter involved.

  • Your Bank Details: The company will need your billing details such as IBAN, BIC, and bank sort code to proceed with the switch.

Renegotiating with Your Provider

Before switching providers for electricity or gas it could be worth asking your provider if they will extend your discount for another year, or checking to see if they have any deals specifically for existing customers.

The answer may be no, but it can’t hurt to ask.

How to Switch Gas & Electricity Provider

The easiest way to find the best new deal for your gas or electricity supply is to use our simple energy comparison tool which can tell you what your bill will likely be for the coming year, and recommend the plans with the greatest savings for you.

There are only a few pieces of information needed for our comparison tool to work for you.

  • Current Supplier: What company are you currently signed up with for your power supply.

  • Location: Do you live in a designated Urban or Rural area.

  • Tariff Type: Are you currently signed up for a 24hr, Nightsaver, or Smart tariff for electricity.

  • Billing Details: How are your electricity bills paid e.g Direct Debit or Pay on Receipt each month, and do you use only billing.

  • Electricity & Gas Usage: What is you annual usage of gas and electricity in kWh. If you do not know this you can select the national average of 4,200kWh for electricity and 11,000kWh for gas.

  • Sign Up Date: When did you sign up for your current electricity and gas plans.

With those we can recommend the ideal electricity and gas plans to start saving you money.

Once you’ve gone through the plans to determine which is the best suited for you, it takes only a few minutes to switch, either online or by calling the company.

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Going on to a Smart Plan

Smart plans are a distinct category of electricity plan available only to homes and businesses with smart meters installed.

More than 1.8 million homes in Ireland now have smart meters installed. These are different from old 24hr or Day/Night meters in that the send data to your electricity provider every 30 minutes. 

This removes the need to take any meter readings and allows you to go onto smart electricity plans which can have more varied time of use tariffs.

If you already have a smart meter but are simply on a legacy 24hr or Nightsaver electricity plan, then there is nothing to stop you from switching to a Smart plan.

If your home does not have have a smart meter installed yet, you can request the ESN or your electricity provider to have one installed as a matter of priority.

Do you have to notify your old supplier?

No there is no requirement to contact your current electricity or gas provider to let them know that you are switching. This will be handled entirely by the two utility providers without needingt your input.

What happens after switching providers?

Your new electricity or gas supplier will be in contact with you within two to three weeks to confirm the switch and provide you with the details of your new account. Your old supplier will also get in touch with the details of your final bill.

What if you change your mind?

There is a 14 day cooling off period after making the switch to a new electricity or gas supplier where customers can cancel the switch without incurring any fee.

Will your power supply be interrupted?

No, there won’t be any interruption to your gas or electricity supply while the transfer between suppliers is taking place. 

Paying the Balance of Your Electricity Bill

If you switched during the middle of a billing cycle then you will have to pay your current electricity provider the balance of your bill when making the switch.

This bill will likely be sent out to you by your old supplier within two to three weeks of closing your account. It will include a due date by which it must be paid.

Leaving a Pay as You Go Plan For Electricity or Gas

If you are currently have a Pay as You Go Meter installed for electricity or gas, and are switching to regular billing, the your current provider may charge to have the pay as you go meter removed.

Changing Electricity Provider If Renting

If you are in rental accommodation then changing electricity supplier will depend on your specific relationship with the landlord. Some landlords will simply tell tenant how much their electricity bill is, while others will allow renters to handle utility bills themselves.

Discuss with your landlord the possibility of switching electricity providers to start saving money.


Direct Debit payment is the most common, convenient, and cheapest way to pay for your electricity and gas. Many suppliers will have their best deals contingent on customers paying by direct debit and using online billing.

There is no requirement to have household gas and electricity come from the same company. Dual Fuel bundles may offer some benefits over separate deals, with potentially greater discounts on gas. But this will depend on your energy consumption and the deals available at the time.

If you are in arrears to you current electricity provider then it may not be possible to switch. If you owe more than €225 then your current supplier will inform the new supplier. The switch may be rejected on this basis.

home Energy FAQ

Start Saving Now!

Use our free energy comparison calculator to see how much you can save by switching providers for electricity and gas!

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